2-8-4 Yasukata, Aomori City, Aomori Prefecture 030-0803
Contact information
  • 017-723-1386
Export system and facility development.
Apples play a central role in the exporting of fruits out of Japan, and they have won high appraisal among consumers particularly in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Thailand. In the future, populations and incomes are expected to rise throughout Southeast Asia, and efforts are underway to increase exports of Aomori apples by cultivating new markets through initiatives to promote awareness for them.
PR activities overseas
In addition to sales and advertising campaigns (through the use of on-site mannequins and PR tools for promoting sales) at mass retailers in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Thailand, campaigns have been run online and through social media, and consumption has been promoted through PR activities to disseminate information on growing regions.
Characteristics and strengths of businesses (producers)
There are three reasons why Aomori apples are said to be of top quality in the world. First is the care taken by producers. Even at big orchards with countless apples growing on trees, producers are said to tend to each and every apple at least seven times from when the fruit begins to grow until it is harvested. They take great care to look after every single apple in striving to grow high-quality products. Second is the natural environment in which the cool climate of Aomori Prefecture ensures the high sugar content and firm flesh of the apples. Third is the technology for managing on-site temperature from harvesting to shipment, and great care is also taken to maintain quality during overseas shipment.
Production and export volume information
  • Area planted with variety ----
  • Production quantity ----
  • Quantity available for export(annually) ----
  • Quantity available for export (per export) ----
  • Minimum quantity available for export ----
  • Total export quantity per region ----
Inquire for more details
Trademarks and certifications
  • Patents None
  • GI certification None
  • Various other certifications None
Introduction video