Ichigolus Inc. - I want to import fruits from Japan.

10192 Yokoshima, Yokoshima-cho, Tamana City, Kumamoto Prefecture 865-0072
Contact information
  • 0968-51-2125
  • ryusuke.m@ichigolus.com
  • https://ichigolus.com/
Export system and facility development.
Sales are being expanded to target overseas markets due to the declining domestic population. The company was chosen for the Global Farmers / Fishermen / Foresters / Food Manufacturers Project in FY 2019, and we have been engaging in market surveys and advertising.
PR activities overseas
We have been exporting strawberries to seven countries for many years.
Characteristics and strengths of businesses (producers)
Clean water pumped from 200 m underground us used to irrigate reclaimed land, rich in minerals, resulting in the rich taste. The temperature changes characteristic of open fields concentrate the rich taste in the strawberries.
Production and export volume information
  • Area planted with variety Awayuki: 42 ha, Koi Minori: 20 ha
  • Production quantity 24t
  • Quantity available for export(annually) 10t
  • Quantity available for export (per export) 100kg
  • Minimum quantity available for export 2.5kg
  • Total export quantity per region Hong Kong: 1.6 t Thailand: 1.2 t Singapore: 0.4 t The U.S.: 0.8 t The UAE: 0.3 t
Trademarks and certifications
  • Patents None
  • GI certification None
  • Various other certifications None
Introduction video